Founder Citizen Circle

Today, Sebastian Kuehn is a successful entrepreneur, blogger, and storyteller. But several years ago, Sebastian was experiencing fears and limiting beliefs regarding his dream business.

Watch the video below and learn how Sebastian overcame his challenges so that he could help thousands of passionate entrepreneurs achieve their business dreams.


Graphic Designer & Branding Expert

Daniela found herself at a crossroads in her career as a graphic designer a few years back. Doubts crept in, making her question whether she should persevere or throw in the towel.

Watch this video and learn how Daniela overcame challenges, rediscovered her passion, and doubled her revenues while traveling the world.


Founder Citizen Circle

Tim Chimoy, the founder of the popular Citizen Circle Community, notices that several Citizen Circle Members are jumping from one idea to the next, without making any real progress. In this video, Tim shares how my workshops help solve that challenge.


"Obed provided me with great support as a sparring partner and business coach for an entire year. His ability to ask insightful questions, provide excellent feedback, and truly listen set him apart.

Engaging in sparring sessions with Obed showed my priorities, providing me with a clear path to move forward with strength and purpose. The well-organised sessions, coupled with Obed's detailed notes, allowed me to continually benefit from his guidance."


Founder & Director, Vorblick

"With his open, friendly, and energetic personality, Obed helped me to find out my real potential, personality and ideal client to target my goals and increase my business.

With a lot of different and new online tools, like surveys, Artificial Intelligence software and promotion tools he gave me tonnes of inspiration.

I loved our open words, sometimes critical but respectful questions and opinions, continually with the goal of strengthening my business. I´m very happy I joined Obed's program."

"I really enjoyed Obed’s Clarity Group Workshop. Obed is a knowledgeable coach who creates an inspiring environment for people to develop their dream businesses.

Obed asks excellent questions, and as a result of his interactive workshop, I got inspired to improve my coaching business so that I can serve even more people. Thank you, dear Obed, for sharing this workshop."


Founder & Business Coach, Mindpower

"Thanks to Obed's Coaching Program, I've launched the Digital University. Through it, I've guided many entrepreneurs to unlock their potential, setting a new standard for Business Coaching in Finland.

What a fantastic journey! The Digital University's annual revenue reached 500,000 euros. I just love how we've woven together passion, purpose, and profit. Obed's support is priceless."


Business Coach & Mentor

Co-founder, Campwire.com
Co-founder, Digital University

Working with Obed helped me a lot with the motivation and tools to take my first steps in the entrepreneurship world. Obed was full of energy every time we met, and he supported me a lot in focusing on learnings rather than failures. Every meeting we had was a boost of enthusiasm to pursue my dream!

During the
Breakthrough Journey Program, we had many insightful discussions about how to approach certain challenges, how to best use my strengths, and he also shared lots of best practices from his experience as entrepreneur (related to marketing, sales, Artificial intelligence, and much more). Thank you so much, Obed! 🙏

"Obed's Breakthrough Journey Program was a game-changer for me. The weekly private coaching sessions were more than just meetings; they were a beacon of guidance, motivation, and insight that kept me moving forward, focused and enthusiastic.

Obed mentored me in a kind and empathic way, making even the most challenging tasks seem doable. His attentive ear and keen attention to detail didn't miss a beat. He repeatedly went above and beyond what was expected, proving his dedication to my success.

I was specifically grateful for the support in marketing and sales: an area where I had previously felt out of my depth. Obed’s supportive approach and practical advice helped me overcome my uncertainties and allowed me to gain confidence and competence.

Obed, thank you for everything. I look forward to our continued journey together."


Founder & ConsultantEngineering Leadership

"Obed has a remarkable ability to not only draw out and identify my passions but also align them with my core values. This approach has transformed my perspective on self-employment and has given my business a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

Obed´s wealth of experience shines through in every session. He combines practical insights with a genuine passion for helping people succeed. Thanks to the
Breakthrough Journey Program, I have created great results and I feel empowered to dream bigger. Much gratitude!"



Business Coach

Birgit, a seasoned business coach, has been involved in building up companies of all kinds.

In this video, Birgit shares how my Breakthrough Journey Program has helped her perform better as a coach.

You might wonder how someone once challenged can now share her story with positivity and hope. Watch Therasa's video below to find out!


Self-Leader Coach

For the last 15 years, Grace has worked as a Self-Leadership Coach with entrepreneurs, expats, and startups.

Although Grace has tremendous experience as a coach and entrepreneur, she recently discovered some of her unique talents, which helped her in developing her new projects. Learn more about her experiences in the video below.


Life Coach

My journey is defined by the enduring trust I build with my clients. In a world where brief interactions with coaches are common, I pride myself on cultivating long-term relationships.

This trust forms the foundation of the positive changes that unfold. Watch the video below and learn how Agata experiences my Business Coaching Program.


Founder at Bell-Software

Our comfort zone must be disturbed if we want to go for our dream business. How to get clarity on your dream business? And how to resolve any fears that arise?

Klaus Bell, founder of a software company, shares his experiences in gaining clarity on his vision during my Clarity Workshop.

Birta Bjargardottir

Life Transformation Coach

During my coaching program, clients receive clarity, accountability, and actionable strategies to drive their businesses forward.

Watch the video below, and learn how
Birta benefited from her coaching sessions with me.


"The Breakthrough Journey Program is an excellent name for this coaching process, as it does exactly what it says on the tin. Working with Obed gives you insight, clarity, and, most importantly, the ability to put your plans into achievable actions to deliver success.

His coaching style is imbued with sensitivity, kindness, thoughtfulness, and insights that will greatly help anyone achieve their goals. Each session I have undertaken has left me with an understanding of what each month requires to put into a clear action plan to attain everything I have wanted to do.

It’s a great honor to work with Obed, and he comes highly recommended. Thank you so much, Obed. I have enjoyed this Coaching Program thoroughly!"


Founder & Movement Educator, Align Somatics

"The Breakthrough Journey Program with Obed is a fabulous process for me. The process started with setting my intention, and from this point, I started writing and exploring my inner truths and passions. Obed's openness, kindness, and deep compassion made it effortless to communicate with honesty.

Obed has already been coaching me for 3 years, and I am gaining a lot from it. If you have never tried Obed’s Coaching Services, I highly suggest you do. Do it NOW. Go take that leap of faith and go deep inside your heart so you can explore the amazing person you are. Thank you, Obed."


Retreat Mentor & Life Coach

"Thanks to Obed, it became clear to me what my strengths are and how I could use this within my business. It resulted not only in more sales, but also in more job happiness: I used my knowledge to help other entrepreneurs.

Every two weeks/ we had a video call where together we looked at what I had done and whether I kept to my goals. Having someone watching and thinking with you makes it easier to work toward your goals on a daily basis. Without Obed's coaching, I would not be where I am today."


Founder, Timmermans Media

"I participated in Obed’s Accountable Gamechanger Mastermind with seven other great entrepreneurs from different countries. I was impressed by the depth of the conversation, and I connected with the other members profoundly.

Obed is a wonderful Mastermind facilitator. He is a careful listener, has a keen eye on everybody’s needs, and he ensures that everybody gets an equal amount of time to talk about his or her challenges.

If you do one thing for your personal development this year: Take part in Obed’s mastermind group and get feedback from like-minded entrepreneurs who can help you be your best self!"


Founder, Linguavision
Founder, New Work Moms

"Working with Obed through the Breakthrough Journey Program has been a powerful commitment to myself and my biggest dreams.

Obed has been a steady guide offering powerful practices and reflection to help me move in the right direction. Each session is an opportunity to celebrate the progress that I've made, see my blindspots, and fine-tune the process to get greater and more fulfilling results."


Renowned Musician
Co-founder Ahanah

"Obed came into my life when I was under a big pressure concerning my therapy center. I was in a “hamster wheel” and considered giving up on my business. The Breakthrough Journey Program with Obed gave me inspiration and hope. And it helped me save a lot of energy and time developing my business.

I really appreciate Obed; he is emphatic and has a good sense of humor. I also value his methods. For example, he has the ability to sense my processes in a really amazingly short period of time during the 1on1 sessions. Next, he would ask powerful questions so that I could discover for myself what my next inspiring steps would be to grow my business. Also, he does not force me in any direction. Instead, he encouraged me to trust my gifts so that I could find my own direction.

The group sessions with Obed are also very helpful. Exchanging experiences, fears, doubts, and successes with like-minded entrepreneurs made me feel like I am in a big “family”.

I highly recommend Obed to anyone looking for a breakthrough in their heart-centered business."

"Having been in individual coaching with Obed for almost one year and enjoying the progress of deep 1-1 conversation, I was curious to test my self-development in a group dynamic during the Accountable Gamechanger Mastermind.

I immediately experienced the power of sharing with a group of like-minded people with truly open hearts!

Something difficult to find in current times became easily accessible in our online masterminds. Sharing and listening helped me to get clarity on my journey, and being able to support others in theirs makes the experience even more enjoyable – a very powerful experience!"

"I have participated in the Breakthrough Journey Program and the Accountable Gamechanger Mastermind with Obed. These programs have been extraordinarily enriching on a professional and personal level.

Obed's support has empowered me to believe in myself and my vision and push through tough challenges. I received a lot of compassion and kindness from Obed. Like the rock in the stormy sea, he has been there with full support. I am writing this with my deepest gratitude! And I see this as a life-long business relationship on my journey of unfolding my full potential joyfully!

Love, Light & Peace"


Transformation Facilitator
Pharma QA Manager, Life Molecular Imaging

"Participating in the Breakthrough Journey Program was in the truest sense of the word a breakthrough. Obed helped me identify and overcome the blocks that kept me from growing as an entrepreneur.

Thanks to Obed's approach, I found clarity in my values, my goals and how I can live and reach them through my business while never losing the fun and always being clear on the next steps. Thank you, Obed!"


Online Marketing Strategist

"Before I met Obed, I was going through a very rough time. I was already running Modern Hippie, a popular blog in Germany. I liked my work, but I also felt something was missing. I lacked clarity on the long-term vision for my business. At the same time, I had big health issues, and my relationship was falling apart.

I am very glad I joined Obed’s Coaching Program. While Obed was coaching me, I felt very supported by him, and I received clarity on my vision and plan of action. In addition to that, he helped me resolve the weak parts of my personality and turn these weaknesses into strengths.

As a result, many things in my life have changed positively. I am working more creatively with my blog, I am giving presentations on inspiring events, and I have just completed my yoga teacher training. Overall, I feel stronger and more fulfilled. Obed, thank you for being in service."


Founder, Modern Hippie

"I acknowledge the raw enthusiasm and persistence of Obed Abbo. He has many qualities that I hold dear, but these two are evident in everything I see in him and hear of him from others. His ability to transform his belief in others and parallel self-belief into action is evident in the global diversity of his clients.

Obed is a great guy and an awesome coach. And I feel grateful to have participated in his Breakthrough Journey Program."


Founder Beyond Leadership

"Why does one need a coach? What kind of coach does one need? These are hard questions, but Obed Abbo is an inspiration. He has an infectious quality of being positive, encouraging, funny, and clever. He knows when to push, probe, back off, and rethink.

Obed has helped me focus, rekindle my interest in work, and let me know that I am not alone in fighting my battles. The results of Obed's Breakthrough Journey Program have been measurable and encouraging!"


Managing Partner, NGS Global

Click here for more testimonials